Bold Aesthetic Creative Games

An Indie Game Studio Developing Bold, Aesthetic & Creative Video Games


  • Project Twisted Unbound – A Collaboration between BAC Games and Silver Demon Studios

    We are excited to announce our collaboration with Silver Demon Studios on a new game project, Project Twisted Unbound. Twisted Metal inspired Car Combat game along with stylish aspects of NFS Unbound and a few other games. What’s up and coming? Plasma Pursuit is the demo coming out of Project Twisted Unbound. It is gonna…

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  • Developing Dino Flippers for Global Game Jam 2022

    Developing Dino Flippers for Global Game Jam 2022

    Another game jam story! Yeah, you will see this a lot since I keep taking part in jams one after the other. 😅 This time, it’s GGJ 2022 with a really cool theme, Duality. And this time, another indie gamedev participated with me, Mutee. In this game jam, I came up with an idea where…

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  • Developing StallSTEAL – Developer’s Game Jam 2.0

    Developing StallSTEAL – Developer’s Game Jam 2.0

    Here comes another game jam season for me! I participated in two game jams one after the other. The Epiphany’s Developer’s Game Jam 2.0 and the Global Game Jam 2022! This one covers the first jam. This time, all the participants were restricted to developing HCG or Hyper Casual Game only and the theme was…

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  • My First Unreal Engine Game for Epic MegaJam

    My First Unreal Engine Game for Epic MegaJam

    I developed my first Unreal Game for Epic MegaJam called Fogombies. A Fun GameDev Adventure with UE.

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  • Flick Tactics with HomeTeam GameDev

    Flick Tactics with HomeTeam GameDev

    Turn-Based Strategy JS game inspired by Advance Wars and Into The Breach. It is a battle of Mechs. Each Mech type is unique and adds value to the battle against the opponent. The game is made in collaboration with HomeTeam GameDev community and I was the team lead. Play on your browser! One thing to…

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  • JSGameDevLib: My Javascript Game Dev Library on GitHub

    Recently I have released a library which I use to develop games in Javascript. It does not have any dependencies and is pure JS (+ little bit of HTML). Following are the games that uses this library as a base: Mystic Chambers – Leaf Cutter Empire – The library focuses a lot on game states,…

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