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C++ Programming Series: Precedence, Order and sizeof()
In the previous post, we learned complex but still, simple looking conditions. Instead of using boolean variables for complex conditions, we can directly use them in the conditional statements. Below is an example of a ‘complex looking’ complex condition: Now, guess the output without executing it (or running it). It looks hard or complex to…
C++ Programming Series: Complex Conditions
In the previous post, the topic of ‘Using Conditional Statements’ finally, came to an end. But only now, there is something we call ‘complex’. Actually, the word, ‘complex’ means multiple. In fact, the complex is always something, multiple. A single complex object is a combination of multiple simple objects. A simple example of a complex…
C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 7, Last)
In this post, we are going to learn the keyword, break. Are we not familiar with this keyword before? Yes, you got it right. We already learned it when we learned the switch-statement where we use break keyword after every case’s code. The break keyword is only used for stopping loops and ending a switch…
C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 6)
In the previous posts, we learned very beautiful things of which the most beautiful is game development. We have covered if-statement, if-else statement, if-else-if-statement, switch-statement, while-statement and do-while statement but there is another very important and most frequently used conditional statement called the for-statement. It is a bit more complex but neat and short. Following…
C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 5)
Argghhh! When will the topic of conditional statement get over? Well, we have to be patient while learning something. I hope that you might have done the home task of the previous post. Just keep trying to code things up and try to implement small ideas with your skill, you will see yourself learning and…
C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 4)
In the last few previous posts, we learned some of the conditional statements, user input and basic arithmetic. Now, time to use some bits of all of them in one place! Just like if-statements, there is another conditional statement called as while-statement. Below is a very simple example of this: When you run this code,…
C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 3)
In the last two previous posts, you got through the if, else and else-if-statements. The uncertain point is the difference between two if-statements and if-statement with an else-if-statement. Two if-statements are not connected to each other. They don’t have any relation with each other. The compiler has to pass through all of these statements even…
C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 2)
In the previous post, we learned some conditional statements. Now, we are going to learn more about them. And later on, we will learn even more… But for now, just check an example of double if-statements again: Everything looks fine in the above code and also compiles fine. It runs fine as well. But the…
C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 1)
Conditional statements in a program are such statements which control the progression of our program. We must understand the fact that our code is always executed from the start to the end linearly. Following is a conditional statement: Here, if shows the condition that is typed after it in round brackets. In the curly brackets…