Bold Aesthetic Creative Games

An Indie Game Studio Developing Bold, Aesthetic & Creative Video Games

User Input

  • C++ Programming Series: File I/O

    In this post, we are going to discuss input and output. No, I am not talking about cout, cin or any other methods we have discussed till now. I am talking about writing and reading files. For working with files, we need to include another header called fstream. There are three classes in it, for file…

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  • C++ Programming Series: Functions/Subroutines (Part 4, Last)

    In the previous post, I confused you into the depth of the functions and my abstractions although, I hope that you got the concept fairly. The hint that I gave you in the previous post is about the order of the functions. If you modified checkRegistrationEligibility() function by adding enterAString() and enterAnInt(), you may have got…

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  • C++ Programming Series: Functions/Subroutines (Part 3)

    In the previous post, we have played with a function called checkRegistrationEligibility(). It was first, a function of return-type, void and now, bool. What is good with this, is the fact that this function is able to connect. By being connected, we mean that the data available in a limited scope of a function can…

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  • C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 4)

    In the last few previous posts, we learned some of the conditional statements, user input and basic arithmetic. Now, time to use some bits of all of them in one place! Just like if-statements, there is another conditional statement called as while-statement. Below is a very simple example of this: When you run this code,…

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  • C++ Programming Series: User Input and Comments

    In the previous post, we talked about user input. Well, there’s no post about user input until now. A very simple user input program is given below: This program will get the input from us and then, outputs our input. There are many new things to notice: This time, we also included string in our…

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  • C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 3)

    In the last two previous posts, you got through the if, else and else-if-statements. The uncertain point is the difference between two if-statements and if-statement with an else-if-statement. Two if-statements are not connected to each other. They don’t have any relation with each other. The compiler has to pass through all of these statements even…

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