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C++ Programming Series: Functions/Subroutines (Part 3)
In the previous post, we have played with a function called checkRegistrationEligibility(). It was first, a function of return-type, void and now, bool. What is good with this, is the fact that this function is able to connect. By being connected, we mean that the data available in a limited scope of a function can…
C++ Programming Series: Functions/Subroutines (Part 2)
In the previous post, we have made the code in the main subroutine or int main() very short using another subroutine. Yes, int main() at the start is also a function that we are dealing with. But now, we will be dealing with multiple functions rather than one. We did all codes in just one…
C++ Programming Series: Functions/Subroutines (Part 1)
In this post, we are going to discuss something called “Functions”. They are also called “Subroutines”. Like arrays, functions or subroutines are very significant, awesome and helpful. These are some of the basic things which we will keep using throughout our entire programming sessions. The first thing to figure out is the definition of a…
C++ Programming Series: Multidimensional Arrays
In the last two previous posts, we discussed a very useful thing called ‘Arrays’. This topic is not yet completed and this post is going to end it! Multidimensional arrays! Previously, we discussed 1D (or single-dimensional) arrays. They are pretty simple. But now, time for 2D and 3D arrays. We won’t go into details with…
C++ Programming Series: Char, Char Arrays and Strings
As we know that char is one of the primitive types whereas string is not a primitive type. Let us reveal some more facts about the two. char is basically, a number like int. But that for each particular number, a specific letter or symbol is selected in accordance with the ASCII table. You can…
C++ Programming Series: Special Characters
In the previous post, we talked about some really important but useless kind of things. I mean that why you really need to understand precedence and sizeof()! Well, this post is also not interesting but I believe that it is worth knowing! For example, can you please tell me how to show a double quote…
C++ Programming Series: Precedence, Order and sizeof()
In the previous post, we learned complex but still, simple looking conditions. Instead of using boolean variables for complex conditions, we can directly use them in the conditional statements. Below is an example of a ‘complex looking’ complex condition: Now, guess the output without executing it (or running it). It looks hard or complex to…
C++ Programming Series: Complex Conditions
In the previous post, the topic of ‘Using Conditional Statements’ finally, came to an end. But only now, there is something we call ‘complex’. Actually, the word, ‘complex’ means multiple. In fact, the complex is always something, multiple. A single complex object is a combination of multiple simple objects. A simple example of a complex…
C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 7, Last)
In this post, we are going to learn the keyword, break. Are we not familiar with this keyword before? Yes, you got it right. We already learned it when we learned the switch-statement where we use break keyword after every case’s code. The break keyword is only used for stopping loops and ending a switch…