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C++ Programming Series: What’s next?
You wanted to get into game programming. You found out that C++ is the real deal. You came here and started reading the first post of the series. You practiced and moved on till the end. Now, you are confused about what to do next? (By the way, it applies to all the enthusiastic people…
C++ Programming Series: Dynamic Arrays (Part 2, Last)
Dynamic arrays can be used with functions in exactly the same way as I have told in this post. Just keep in mind that we have to pass the size of the array into the function. Note how I allocated the memory and also, set the value of all the elements in the dynamic array…
My Pixels: Four Shades – Beach Aside The City
Someone told me to try less colors. Limiting oneself to something like 4 colors/shades increases the rate of learning. It also motivates a person to try a bigger grid size. If you can guess every element in the image below without considering the title, it is a good pixel art. The image is made with…
C++ Programming Series: Dynamic Arrays (Part 1)
Before we get into the dynamic arrays, it is important to understand why we use them and when to use them. Here’s the simplified concept of memory types. The program that we execute stores and works with the data, information and variables (collectively called memory) in the RAM (Random Access Memory). Upon closing the program,…
C++ Programming Series: Structures and Data Types
During that non-blogging time, I learned one thing: Always finish what you have started. And so, here I am continuing my C++ Programming Series. C++ got primitive data types like integers, floats and doubles. They are called primitive for a reason. We can create our own data types by combining other data types. We can…
C++ Programming Series
From this day onward, I am going to do C++ Programming Series. It will be short and useful. It will be more revising in nature than learning and so, it will be useful for those who are beginners as well as those who are not beginners to C++ programming. Requirements: Some experience of using computer…