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My Pixels: Four Shades – Strength in Man 0
Count the colours, please. Are they 4? Ops, it’s 5. My mistake! It should be in the monochromatic category. I saw a video on YouTube in which someone was doing pixel art and it is my attempt to try to imitate him. (It is obviously not the same and he did it much better. And…
My Pixels: Random Man 1
Bored me, tried to do some pixel art. I did a lazy pixel art. And bothered uploading it on my blog. It is quite a long time since I did a 32×32 pixel art. Here, you can see a scaled version (128 by 128 pixels). Grid Size: 32*32
My Vectors: Purpluria Range 2
Yet another Purpluria Range. Somehow, it feels satisfying to me and looks pretty pleasant. I may try it again but this is it for now. The clouds could have been better. This time I didn’t bother with multiple versions. To me, it is better than the previous version. Please, PLEASE DO COMMENT and tell me which…
My Pixels: Monochromatic – Red Dungeon
Monochromatic… must be boring. It is similar to the Four Shades category but… with more shades. I hope that makes sense. This time it is a Red Dungeon… more like a bloody dungeon. I started off by thinking of a horror/creepy scene and it ended up like that. 2 versions, one with more contrast. This…
My Vectors: Purpluria Range 1
A new series: My Vectors. Vector drawing is calculation based drawing where computer kinda does a lot of things behind the screen. I prefer vector editing over raster editing for someone who doesn’t own a graphic tablet like me. Anyhow, I did tell you about Inkscape before. I used it and I liked it. It…
My Pixels: Four Shades – Beach Aside The City
Someone told me to try less colors. Limiting oneself to something like 4 colors/shades increases the rate of learning. It also motivates a person to try a bigger grid size. If you can guess every element in the image below without considering the title, it is a good pixel art. The image is made with…
My Pixels: Random Imagination 1
This time, just an imagination of mine. Nothing fancy. It is just an abstraction from some point and reality from the other! But it is what one think about it. It feels like someone is going to start a journey along with some evil waiting for the opportunity to hurt you. Grid Size: 128*128
Developing a Game: SamuraiDuel
Nowadays, I am developing a game called SamuraiDuel. It is going to be a 2D game and is built on OpenGL, SDL2, Box2D, and CEGUI all in the language, C++. Before starting to develop the game, I first developed the base of a very low-level Game Engine which I should call a GL Engine, GL SDK or…
Noticed the logo?
Hello guys! I have set up a logo for my website! I hope that you like it. I create this myself! And I will keep creating with you and the community. Keep coming for more programming, pixel arts and all other creative stuff because this is BAC Programming.
My Pixels: Temples in the Dark
This really took time to draw! The trick is to use as many layers as possible and then, finally, putting all of them together to form a nice scene! I use GIMP and I recommend that to you as well. Grid Size: 128*128