Bored me, tried to do some pixel art.
I did a lazy pixel art. And bothered uploading it on my blog. It is quite a long time since I did a 32×32 pixel art. Here, you can see a scaled version (128 by 128 pixels).
Grid Size: 32*32

An Indie Game Studio Developing Bold, Aesthetic & Creative Video Games
Bored me, tried to do some pixel art.
I did a lazy pixel art. And bothered uploading it on my blog. It is quite a long time since I did a 32×32 pixel art. Here, you can see a scaled version (128 by 128 pixels).
Grid Size: 32*32
3D Action Android Arrays Art Artist BAC C# Conditions Development Drawing Functions Game Game Announcement GameDev Game Development Game Release gamkedo HomeTeam GameDev Indie Game Indie Game Development Javascript Learning Memory Painting Pixels Pointers Programming Projects Publishing Scene SDL2 Series Showcase Sprites Statements Strategy Subroutines UI Unity User Input Variables Vector Art Video Game