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C++ Programming Series: Pointers (Part 4, Last)
Too busy! Too busy! Don’t expect regular and weekly posts from me. In the previous post, we discussed that pointers are actually arrays! This post is to discuss more pointers, arrays and the arithmetic that can be done with them. We can do addition and subtraction with pointers. Multiplication and division are not possible! Here…
C++ Programming Series: Pointers (Part 2)
In the previous post, we learned how to get the memory address of a variable and how to define a variable that holds the memory address i.e pointer. Suppose that there is a variable of the type int called number. We initialize it with value equals to 10. Now, suppose that it has a memory…
C++ Programming Series: Pointers (Part 1)
In this post, we are going to discuss pointers. But before proceeding, I just want to say that if you really followed all my posts till now then, Congratulations! You learned the basics of programming in general! But there are still a lot of basics in C++! C++ is a very old programming language but…
C++ Programming Series: File I/O
In this post, we are going to discuss input and output. No, I am not talking about cout, cin or any other methods we have discussed till now. I am talking about writing and reading files. For working with files, we need to include another header called fstream. There are three classes in it, for file…
Developing a Game: SamuraiDuel
Nowadays, I am developing a game called SamuraiDuel. It is going to be a 2D game and is built on OpenGL, SDL2, Box2D, and CEGUI all in the language, C++. Before starting to develop the game, I first developed the base of a very low-level Game Engine which I should call a GL Engine, GL SDK or…
C++ Programming Series: References
I believe that my series is getting complex with every post being published! This has to be done because we should also be getting more complex and more logical with every topic we discuss. Today’s topic is References. Before proceeding on, let us discuss a few problems with functions. The first one is that we…
C++ Programming Series: Headers and Prototypes (Part 2, Last)
In this post, we are going to discuss some confusions that you might have got in the previous post. You might have read #include “func.h” in that post and not #include <func.h>. Actually, both have different meanings! If we type angle brackets (<>) instead of double quotes (“”) for func.h, the compiler will check for…
C++ Programming Series: Headers and Prototypes (Part 1)
Until now, we have been working with codes which are present in just a single file. We have been doing single file projects till now, in which all the codes are being typed in one file. This approach is good for tiny projects. However, when we are going to have some medium-sized project to be…
C++ Programming Series: Functions/Subroutines (Part 4, Last)
In the previous post, I confused you into the depth of the functions and my abstractions although, I hope that you got the concept fairly. The hint that I gave you in the previous post is about the order of the functions. If you modified checkRegistrationEligibility() function by adding enterAString() and enterAnInt(), you may have got…