Bold Aesthetic Creative Games

An Indie Game Studio Developing Bold, Aesthetic & Creative Video Games

Developing a Game: SamuraiDuel

Developing a Game: SamuraiDuel

Nowadays, I am developing a game called SamuraiDuel. It is going to be a 2D game and is built on OpenGL, SDL2, Box2D, and CEGUI all in the language, C++.

SamuraiDuel Title
SamuraiDuel Title

Before starting to develop the game, I first developed the base of a very low-level Game Engine which I should call a GL Engine, GL SDK or something like that, in order to work with OpenGL with ease. Of course, I called it BAC GL Engine 2 (I tried to make one before but it has some big flaws and so, I put ‘2’ this time after the name).

I am not satisfied with that name. If you had one in your mind, please do comment below.

SamuraiDuel is going to be a side-scroller fast-paced pixelated game. Of course, it will take time to get completed and once it is completed, this is the place where I will confirm this.

There is the screenshot of the game! I hope that you like that…


All pixel arts are made by me and I think it looks fair.

That’s all that I have to say! If you want some features in it or just has something to tell, comment below and tell that to me! It will be really appreciable.

UPDATE: The project is closed and is no more under development due to escalating difficulty and maybe, lack of motivation. Sorry guys! But who knows… I might complete it someday!

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