Bold Aesthetic Creative Games

An Indie Game Studio Developing Bold, Aesthetic & Creative Video Games


  • C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 6)

    In the previous posts, we learned very beautiful things of which the most beautiful is game development. We have covered if-statement, if-else statement, if-else-if-statement, switch-statement, while-statement and do-while statement but there is another very important and most frequently used conditional statement called the for-statement. It is a bit more complex but neat and short. Following…

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  • C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 5)

    Argghhh! When will the topic of conditional statement get over? Well, we have to be patient while learning something. I hope that you might have done the home task of the previous post. Just keep trying to code things up and try to implement small ideas with your skill, you will see yourself learning and…

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  • C++ Programming Series: Using Conditional Statements (Part 4)

    In the last few previous posts, we learned some of the conditional statements, user input and basic arithmetic. Now, time to use some bits of all of them in one place! Just like if-statements, there is another conditional statement called as while-statement. Below is a very simple example of this: When you run this code,…

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