Bold Aesthetic Creative Games

An Indie Game Studio Developing Bold, Aesthetic & Creative Video Games


  • Developing a Game: SamuraiDuel

    Nowadays, I am developing a game called SamuraiDuel. It is going to be a 2D game and is built on OpenGL, SDL2, Box2D, and CEGUI all in the language, C++. Before starting to develop the game, I first developed the base of a very low-level Game Engine which I should call a GL Engine, GL SDK or…

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  • Learning OpenGL

    The start of this month proved to be very busy for me and my new challenges! These days, I am learning OpenGL (or you may call it, Open Graphics Library) which is something next level in terms of graphics! It is pretty hard and requires solid concepts of using vectors, geometry, matrices and just mathematics!…

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  • Hello World!

    cout << “Hello World!” << endl; Hello there, I am Bilal Ahmad Cheema and this blog is all about programming! Learn C++, create tiny programs and if you encounter some errors, ask me and the community for a fix. Its about innovative programs which are made using some easily understandable colorful logic! It’s about the…

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