I did it! I joined Ludum Dare 45, made a game, submitted it on time, received tons of awesome feedback and got GOOD results in the end.

Here is the Challenge: Keep all of the levers ON for 180 seconds in order to win!
Each lever will empower you :- Area Unlocks. New Visuals. New Abilities (activate with right click)
Bots will try to turn them OFF. Click the bots to kill them.
But be careful, your actions can themselves cause the levers to turn OFF.
This is a Mouse-Only game.
Estimated Time to Complete the game: 4 – 20 minutes.
Play Leverage on your browser: https://bacstudios.itch.io/leverage
My LDJam #45 Game’s Page: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/45/leverage-1
There are tons of problems and missing features in the game especially UX issues. So, I will be making Leverage 2.0 (post-jam version) which will be much better than this version.