Woohoo! Another game released by Gamkedo Club! Split screen 3D Racing Game called Wild Drivers. It is made in Unity and has neat racing mechanics. If you are like me and your childhood is filled with games like NFS II SE, you would want to bring in a friend and play this game with him/her!
I joined the team late again. But this time, I think that I did plenty. I focused on the audio which means that I added two music tracks and all the sound effects (I think 5 sounds but not sure). I also did a little camera animation sequence that plays as a background in the main menu. Apart from that, I added the change view feature (with the ‘V‘ key) and the 2 buttons to toggle the audio in the main menu.
Do play this game and give some feedback. It is a fun game especially when you play with someone.
Please play this game and give some feedback. It is a very decent looking game and quite fun to play. I am sure you would enjoy it. 😀