A new series: My Vectors. Vector drawing is calculation based drawing where computer kinda does a lot of things behind the screen. I prefer vector editing over raster editing for someone who doesn’t own a graphic tablet like me.
Anyhow, I did tell you about Inkscape before. I used it and I liked it. It is an awesome vector editing software. And the best part is… it’s FREE.
I did some tries before so, I can’t call it my first. And I am not quite satisfied with the look so, I wanted to give it another try. (Note the ‘1’ at the end of the post title)
Below are the 2 versions of the same vector art. 🙂
0 responses to “My Vectors: Purpluria Range 1”
[…] me, it is better than the previous version. Please, PLEASE DO COMMENT and tell me which one looks better to you. Is it good enough to be your […]