Bold Aesthetic Creative Games

An Indie Game Studio Developing Bold, Aesthetic & Creative Video Games

November 2015

  • My Pixels: Sunset with Water Scene

    My Pixels: Sunset with Water Scene

    I made another pixel art! This one is better than the previous one. All my pixel art showcases will be under the series named, My Pixels. Pixel Art is not something that is related to programming but a game developer requires resources for his/her game and of course, one of those resources are Sprites/Images for…

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  • C++ Programming Series: Headers and Prototypes (Part 1)

    Until now, we have been working with codes which are present in just a single file. We have been doing single file projects till now, in which all the codes are being typed in one file. This approach is good for tiny projects. However, when we are going to have some medium-sized project to be…

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  • C++ Programming Series: Functions/Subroutines (Part 4, Last)

    In the previous post, I confused you into the depth of the functions and my abstractions although, I hope that you got the concept fairly. The hint that I gave you in the previous post is about the order of the functions. If you modified checkRegistrationEligibility() function by adding enterAString() and enterAnInt(), you may have got…

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  • Learning OpenGL

    The start of this month proved to be very busy for me and my new challenges! These days, I am learning OpenGL (or you may call it, Open Graphics Library) which is something next level in terms of graphics! It is pretty hard and requires solid concepts of using vectors, geometry, matrices and just mathematics!…

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